The community for all

Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise

Mental Health and Wellbeing organisations in

Birmingham and Solihull

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Elected Panel

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Member Directory

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Pr​evious Emails

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Application Form

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Introducing the VCFSE

Mental Health Collective & Panel

for Birmingham & Solihull

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  • The Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care System (ICS) brings together health and social care ​across the region and will deliver mental health care through the Mental Health Provider ​Collaborative (MHPC)
  • The creation of the MHPC offers Voluntary, Community, Faith, and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) ​organisations a formal role in the leadership of mental health care management across the region for ​the first time.
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what HAS changED?

  • The VCFSE Mental Health Collective represents the VCFSE Mental Health and Wellbeing VCFSE ​sector in Birmingham & Solihull
  • The Collective has elected a Chair, a Deputy Chair, and 10 people to sit on the VCFSE Mental Health ​Panel which has a formal role in the management & governance of the MHPC and meets monthly
  • 2 further Panel Members for Learning Disabilities and Autism (LD&A) were added in August 2024

what opportunities are there?

  • Membership of the Collective gives organisations the chance to put forward ideas for improving ​mental health outcomes across Birmingham and Solihull (BSol), and for raising concerns about gaps or ​shortcomings in service.
  • Membership gets organisations a vote in the biannual elections for Chair, Deputy Chair and Panel ​Members, and a vote in decisions for the sector made at regular meetings.
  • The Collective is the first place to learn about progress and developments within the NHS across ​BSol, and especially in the MHPC.
  • Collective members are informed about developments across BSol through information exchange and ​making connections with other member organisations.
  • Collective Members have access to the VCFSE Mental Health Collective for Birmingham and Solihull ​Workspace at FutureNHS
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SOUNDS GREAT: WHERE can we learn more?

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VCFSE Mental Health Collective & Panel


Apply to join the Collective by completing this

short online form:

Subscribe to our weekly email at:

If you have any questions, please email:

Last updated: 22 August 2024


  • Membership of the ​Collective is open to all ​VCFSE Mental Health and ​Wellbeing organisations that ​operate anywhere in BSol
  • Membership of the ​Collective is free
  • The Collective meets every ​2-3 months, mostly on ​Teams
  • Archive of weekly emails: ​

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The community for all VCFSE

Mental Health and Wellbeing organisations

in Birmingham and Solihull

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Collective Workspace at FutureNHS

  • Our workspace is for members of the VCFSE Mental Health Collective and ​Panel to collaborate with each other and with the NHS, local authorities and ​other statutory partners in the Birmingham & Solihull Integrated Care System.
  • Here you can find information about future meetings and presentations from ​past meetings, alongside discussion forums and information about Members.
  • We use the workspace as the secure space for online votes.
  • To request access, please email
  • A screenshot of the workspace homepage follows below
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Mental Health Provider Collaborative: Governance Chart

June 2024

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